Research and Litigation Solutions TechValidate
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About This Research Data

The research data presented here was collected directly from LexisNexis customers by TechValidate.

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LexisNexis Public Records for Law Firms

A selection of TechValidate research findings from surveys of Research and Litigation Solutions customers and users.

1 to 5 attorney firms: Public Records 6 to 10 attorney firms: Public Records 11 to 20 attorney firms: Public Records 21 to 50 attorney firms: Public Records 51+ attorney firms: Public Records Am Law 100 firms: Public Records


1 to 5 attorney firms: Public Records

3 Items
Lower Costs with LexisNexis Public Records
Leverage the Power of Connections with LexisNexis Public Records
1-5 Attorney Firms Choose LexisNexis Public Records Over Westlaw

6 to 10 attorney firms: Public Records

2 Items
Quick Results with LexisNexis Public Records
Uncover Information with LexisNexis Public Records

11 to 20 attorney firms: Public Records

4 Items
Perform Due Diligence with LexisNexis Public Records
Save Time & Effort with LexisNexis Public Records
Find Connections with LexisNexis Public Records

LexisNexis Public Records Case Study: 13-Attorney Specialized Law Firm

21 to 50 attorney firms: Public Records

1 Item
Find Connections with LexisNexis Public Records

51+ attorney firms: Public Records

3 Items
Trust Results from LexisNexis Public Records
Get Comprehensive Information from LexisNexis Public Records

LexisNexis Public Records Case Study: AmLaw 100 Law Firm

Am Law 100 firms: Public Records

1 Item

LexisNexis Public Records Case Study: AmLaw 100 Law Firm