Research and Litigation Solutions TechValidate
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The research data presented here was collected directly from LexisNexis customers by TechValidate.

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LexisNexis Public Records for Government

A selection of TechValidate research findings from surveys of Research and Litigation Solutions customers and users.

State & Local Government: Public Records Federal Government: Public Records


State & Local Government: Public Records

5 Items
Vet Suppliers with LexisNexis Public Records
State & Local Governments Trust LexisNexis Public Records

LexisNexis Public Records Case Study: State Government

LexisNexis Public Records Case Study: State Agency

LexisNexis Public Records Case Study: State Court

Federal Government: Public Records

5 Items
Give Up on Ghosts with LexisNexis Public Records
Find Connections with LexisNexis Public Records
LexisNexis Public Records Content is Differentiated From the Competition

LexisNexis Public Records Case Study: Federal Agency

LexisNexis Public Records Case Study: Federal Agency